Miscellaneous Articles for the Last Week of August
Here are some miscellaneous articles you may find interesting. As usual, click on "read more" if you are interested in hearing my opinions... Brief article on four Bearish Investors: Jeremy Grantham, Bob Rodriguez, John Hussman and Steve Leuthold Credit crunch redux : A recap of the credit crisis and what may be in store for corporate profits. (note: somewhat dated; from April 2008 Fortune) Long-term frontier investing: Jim Rogers suggests North Korea (thanks to Commodity on gurufocus.com message board for mention); Russian farms another potential idea (not suggested by Rogers.)... all out of reach for small investors but someone reading this today may capitalize on them in 5 or 10 years (maybe if you work as a professional financier.) China's present predicament : Very good write-up of the economy in China and some of the problems it is facing. The inside story of an up-and-coming Canadian media distributor, Entertainment One : If you are interested in the entertainmen