Mobile phone market dynamics
A couple of weeks ago, asymco produced a comprehensive chart plotting the volume by price metrics for various smartphone manufacturers. I thought it was an insightful chart that illustrated the competitive positioning of all the major competitors (for which Asymco has data or can make an estimate). I thought I would add some notes highlighting my interpretation of the various segments of the smartphone market, and raise a couple of key issues for smartphone investors. In the chart below, I have marked up the chart with the traditional, high-volume/low-price to low-volume/high-price, segmentation. As common in business, nothing ever fits perfectly so the classifications are just ideas. Asymco's charts are in line with my classification except for Sony Ericsson, which should be moved further to the left since it is a low-volume/high-price manufacturer. Sorry about the small font on the axis labels. Click for a larger chart but the font is still too small. Hopefully it doesn'