New York Times free (WSJ likely as well)

Last week, The New York Times changed their policy and made everything on their website, including archives back to 1987, free. This makes a cheap guy like me happy :) Finally, we can not only read opinions and editorials for free, but we can also link to their full articles and research past historical articles. If the New York Times is as good as I think it is, this should increase its readership.

The Wall Street Journal website may also become free. Rupert Murdoch (as much as I disagree with this conservative views, he is a one savvy businessman--with a trophy wife to boot ;) ) has indicated that he has thought about making WSJ free. This probably won't impact the business crowd or wealthier investors who would have paid anyway, but small investors or the general public will be tempted to use WSJ for their primary business news in the future.

Since I am a liberal-libertarian, I love NYT for their stories on life, arts, politics, and so forth. I don't generally agree with the conservative-oriented WSJ views, although I agree with their economic views most of the time, but WSJ is arguably the top business news source. Since I was never a subscriber I have always felt that I was missing out on some news that could help my investing.

I'm happy with these changes...


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