Navigating the Takeover Propaganda

Saul Sterman recently wrote a good article about all the rumours, lies, exaggerations, truths, and propaganda that revolve around takeover deals. In his article he analyzes the Whole Foods Markets (WFMI) takeover of Wild Oats (OATS). He zeroes in on people that he terms deal breakers, who are opposed to the deal. A lot of words are typically uttered by these deal breakers regarding the feasibility of the deal but hardly any of it becomes true. Saul mentions 10 commandments that can be used to shed some light on the comments by deal breakers.

I think his article is a good framework for those, like me, looking at takeovers. As I have mentioned previously, I'm attempting to profit from the ABN and TRB takeovers. If the risk is ok with you, TRB still looks attractive to me.


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