Purchase: Takefuji (8564)

I placed a limit order to purchase Takefuji on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 8564; PinkSheets: TAKAF). My broker, HSBC, is very slow to post transactions online so I'm not sure of exact purchase details. But I'm sure it went through given that the price dropped a lot more than my limit price. This is my first purchase on a foreign exchange (ignoring US exchanges (I'm in Canada)).

This is a long-term purchase that is more characteristic of a value investing purchase (very little speculation in this one). You can read my original investment evaluation analysis here but do note that numbers will be slightly out of date. Since I posted that analysis, the stock has dropped around 20% more. The forward P/E ratio is around 11 with the p/bv around 1 right now.

Purchase Price: Yen 3270
Investment Time Horizone: Long (2+ Years)


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